side-kick (’sai,kik) n. Slang, chiefly U.S.  a close friend or follower who accompanies another on adventures, etc.


A move abroad is always an exciting adventure. During my time abroad I have experienced things that I have only come to understand much later. There were many situations in which I wished I had somebody by my side to explain to me the apparently inexplicable ways of my new world. What I was missing was a sidekick. A sidekick is somebody who accompanies another on adventures – like Batman’s sidekick Robin.

Today I see myself in the role of a companion to people who are embarking on their adventures of working and living in a new culture. Working and living abroad comes with a lot of challenges. We leave our comfort zone and extend our horizon. However, we also struggle with uncertainties and irritations and many questions arise:

  • How can I find a new home if I don’t know anybody in the foreign country?
  • What can I do to establish contact with people on my new team?
  • Which expectations do my German employees have towards me as an executive manager?
  • How do I find out what kind of expectations my new boss has of me and how to best fill my new position?
  • How can I maintain connections with family and friends at home if I am completely overwhelmed with my new work situation?
  • Why do I feel constantly stressed and exhausted?

As a consultant, trainer and mediator, I support  people working internationally through intercultural training & coaching. The goal of my services is to support international employees with the challenges and to help them feel quickly at ease in their new environment.